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Nov 01, 2017
In Smart Study Advice
Use these tips to become a better reader: 1. Take it Slow
Most people think that they read much slower compared to others. The truth is, the faster you read, the less likely you can comprehend the concept. 2. Write it Down
There is no power greater than the power of writing a concept on paper. You will remember it faster when you write it down. You want to understand the concept in the piece of work your reading. 3.Be suspicious.
To be a better reader, you must develop a sense of suspicion. You must be eager to know what the author will say at the end of the piece you are reading. 4. Feel it.
Yes, I will repeat that, feel it! As you read, you need to put yourself in the environment created by the author. Avoid any form of distractions and allow the concepts to simmer into your brain.
Nov 01, 2017
In Smart Study Advice
Make sure you can handle it If you are struggling academically or with time management, then working part time during college is probably not for you. Wait until you’re out of school or only work on breaks/vacations. Plan your class schedule wisely If you know you are going to work part time while in college, try to plan your class schedule around having a part time job. Weekends and seasonal Weekends and seasonal times are always a great time for working, if you don’t mind losing the free time. Work in your field This may seem like a challenge for college students, but get creative with it! I don’t mean that if you are studying pre-law to go apply to a law firm. Know how to limit yourself It can be so exhausting to balance work and school. If you ever slack behind in your classes or if you just feel yourself losing your sanity, it might be time to reevaluation. Have you been working part-time while in school? Let me hear from you!
Oct 30, 2017
In Smart Study Advice
The secrets of waking up early (for those students who 'hate' mornings). Try these tips and thank us later . What makes you wake up early for your studies? Share with us!
Oct 25, 2017
In Smart Study Advice
You have an assignment due? Head to our order form: located on the homepage. Our support staff is available 24/7. With the order form, you can upload any document you want our writers to read. What are you waiting for? Make an order today.
Oct 25, 2017
In Smart Study Advice
Each and everyone has different tips on how they go about their studies. Share with the community some of the smart study tips you have. It's all about sharing ideas and helping students who struggle with their studies. As you share your thoughts, you gain more. So, what are you waiting for? Let us know how you plan for your studies and the tips that guide you through the process.
Oct 25, 2017
In Entertainment
Different colleges have different unique cultures. What do you find interesting in your college? How is it different from other colleges. Tell the community how you survive in college. We all learn . You can also show off the picture of your college or dorm rooms.
Oct 25, 2017
In Debate & Current Affairs
We frequently post essential tips for students on our blog. Take this opportunity to learn how you can excel in college. The ideas shared on the blog will help you in planning for school, studies, finances and make you understand what student life is. We invite you to contribute to our blog because we believe in the power of sharing ideas. Tell the community today if you are ready to share your unique ideas.
Oct 25, 2017
In Universities and Colleges
You have an assignment due? Head to our order form:located on the homepage. Our support staff are available 24/7. With the order form, you can upload any document you want our writers to read. What are you waiting for? Make an order today.
Oct 21, 2017
In Debate & Current Affairs
Are you good at writing quality blog content and would like to show off your talent on our website? Then you are in the correct forum. Opportunity is currently open to students, educators, content writers and anyone who would want to write a blog on our site. Preeminent Academic Writers team will forever remain strong.
Oct 21, 2017
In Entertainment
Share your college tips, what you do differently in college and any advice you would give to the college students. You can as well show off how neat your dorm is well-arranged. Everything concerning college are all covered here.
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