Joining the college, university or graduate school you like most is one of the best feelings you can ever experience. But before you set your feet to that institution, you must be ready to write attractive application essay, also called admission essay or personal statement or statement of purpose.
We, at Preeminent Academic Writers, have crafted tens of thousands of admission essays to students, and guess what? The feedback is always wow! They get admitted to their respective schools & achieve their dreams. Now, here we are, taking you through some of the critical features or components of a compelling admission essay.
We'll start right away!
01. Show the institution who you are, don't tell.
Instead of telling the institution how you are collaborative individual and so on, show it how you gathered, why their were so many people around, and what you were doing that can prove your level of collaboration. You might have other personal characters that you want to show the institution. The concept is, do not tell, show /prove yourself.
02. Use your language.
The next tip is to use your language and avoid being formal. The institution wants to know you in person. You should not use other common phrases people have been using to write their essays. The individuals approving these documents are compassionate, and they want to know you more. Just be frank with yourself and use your language. We are good at this because so many students have approved us.
03. Select a topic that will make you distinctive from the rest.
You do not have to strain a lot or think of more significant topics. You can concider your high school records, and tell more about it. This will give you an opportunity to consider tackling more things you went through.
04. Ask your best friend to proofread it, or you can contact us to correct it.
Your friend knows you better, and after reading the whole work, he /she will be frank with you and will tell you if the essay sounds like you. You can also contact us if you want a final confirmation.
05. Length
This depends on the requirement provided by the institution. The key tip here is to adhere to the number of words needed. Do not write more or less than the required words. Just work within the given institutions.
Writing a compelling application essay is a critical task, and that's why we specialize in crafting eye-catching essays that guarantee students automatic approval. Order your application essay today!